Course curriculum
Introduction/Cycle of Inquiry
Introduction to Instructional Leadership: Creating Practice Out of Theory
Success Criteria for Course
Materials/Reflection Document
Cycle of Inquiry - Please complete this lesson before moving on.
Video - A Step-By-Step Process for a Cycle of Inquiry
Resources to help you deepen your practice
Module 1 - Instructional Leadership Research
Instructional Leadership Research Webinar
Module 1 Content/Assignments
Module 1 - Exit Survey
Module 2 - The Logic Behind Implementation
Module 2 - An Introduction Video to Implementation
Implementation Webinar
Module 2 Content/Assignments
Module 2 - Closing Thoughts
Module 2 - Exit Survey
Module 3 - A Focus on Learning
Video Introduction - A Focus for Learning
Focus On Learning Webinar
Module 3 Content/Assignments
Module 3 - Closing Thoughts
Module 3 - Exit Survey
Module 4 - Student Engagement
Module 4 - Introduction Video
Student Engagement Webinar
Module 4 Content/Assignments
Module 4 - Closing Thoughts
Module 4 - Exit Survey
Module 5 - Instructional Strategies
Instructional Strategies - Video Introduction
Instructional Strategies Webinar
Module 5 Content/Assignments
Module 5 - Closing Thoughts
Module 5 - Exit Survey
Protocol & Practice - Reciprocal Teaching
Module 6 - Collective Efficacy
Efficacy - Introduction Video
Collective Efficacy Webinar
Module 6 Content/Assignments
Closing Thoughts - Module 6
Module 6 - Exit Survey
Protocol & Practice - 4 A's
Module 7 - Evidence of Impact
Module 7 - Introduction Video
Evidence of Impact Webinar
Module 7 Content/Assignments
Module 7 - Exit Survey
Module 7 - Closing Thoughts
Instructional Leadership Webinar
Instructional Leadership Webinar

Peter DeWitt
His work has been adopted at the state level, university level, and he works with numerous school districts, school boards, regional networks, ministries of education around North America, Australia, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the U.K.
Peter is the author, co-author or contributor of numerous books. Visit for more about his work.
Instructional Leadership: Creating Practice Out of Theory
8 Week Asynchronous Remote Course
The course includes:
- Short video introductions
- Chapter readings from Instructional Leadership: Creating Practice Out of Theory
- Resources for deeper learning
- Community discussions board
- Webinars for each section that can be used individually or with school teams and PLC's.
- There is one full webinar focusing on all aspects of instructional leadership that can be downloaded and used with staff.
To maximize the benefits of the course, each participant should engage in a Cycle of Inquiry where they focus on one area of growth.
Please send Email if you have questions or comments
Instructional Leadership: Creating Practice Out of Theory (DeWitt. Corwin Press. 2020) will need to be purchased prior to the beginning of the course.